Let’s Talk Deep
I used to have this struggle of wanting to do more and achieve much more like anyone my age but finally I got out of it because it used to make me feel extremely anxious and distracted without a clear goal and lost most of the time!
You were given one life with a million chances to discover what you truly want and are good at so you can make the best out of it!
Here’s some talk for you
Enjoy discovering yourself without stressing the hell out of you, you don’t have a deadline.
Enjoy living your ups and downs.
See the good in your life, don’t only focus on the bad even though i don't believe in bad because whatever happens in your life is to lead you to a better path, a better strong new version of you.
Be grateful for what you have because it’s all what you need for now!
Be sure that you are in the right place and the right time, no one was ever late for what they deserve and nothing can be taken from you as long as it was written for you, just believe in timing.
Everything is happening for a reason so here’s a trick “Connect the dots”.
As long as you are trying your best then it won’t matter if at the moment it’s not working because it will sooner or later!!
Trust the process !
Make your life count