How life works (Part 1)
Many years ago a boy found a magic lamp, dusted it off and a Genie came out of it saying “Your wishes is my command”, so if there was any delay in the wishes it will be because of the boy not the Genie
Yes i know you probably saying now what the hell is this...
The boy is you and the genie is the universe actually i took this example from “The Secret” and i will tell you a strategy that will make life easier and it's a combination between both “the secret” and “the subtle art of not giving a f*ck” Step 1 Setting a Goal. The world is ending and you still give a shit about so many stuff that you don’t need! having a crowded mind won’t get you anywhere, ‘Famous people’ are being rated all the time so for sure they will try to fake perfection in everything because no one is perfect we just get better worse than the worst state we were day before and of course here is the part that others will be fantasized by them and work their whole life to get this extraordinary car or the gold medal or the perfect hair and then when they get them they found themselves empty because it wasn’t what they want and some still don't know what they really want! Actually making your goal material stuff won't work for you because when you get them you will feel empty and lost like what now i have got what i was working for, Your goal must be your legacy -It's what gives your life a meaning- like building a company or investing in your family or doing charity or setting new record in sports that will keep inspiring others even when u die or changing to a better person to leave a good print on people but having a car or any kind of material stuff is a need not a goal if your daily life requires it. So the first step you need to know is your goal then cut off anything else that may delay you and making a good goal you will need to have a good values Step 2 Reshaping your Values. Values won’t only help you in your Goal but will make you a better person! Examples for the good values : Honesty, innovation, Vulnerability, standing up oneself and others, self-respect, curiosity, charity, humility, creativity. Examples for bad values: dominance through manipulation or violence, indiscrimination, feeling good all the time, always being the center of attention, not being alone, being liked by everybody, being rich for the sake of being rich! Starting a goal and keep doing it with good values will make you a good legacy Step 3 Ask for your Goal. Now you know your goal and your values, so it’s time to ask the universe to make it done! Get a piece of paper and write your goal with every single detail and how you want your life to be like to achieve this goal. Focusing on what you want, imagining it the way you want it in detail and only focusing on what will help you achieve it is what you can call making the universe your genie. Forget about time for a moment, Focus on the life you want. Better late than nothing! One important thing, a life without problems because you are doing what you love only exists in DisneyLand, so we just pick the problems we like to deal with to solve them to get other bigger problems to solve them and so on. Dealing with something you like is better than dealing with something you don’t like! Step 4 Believing it’s about believing to receive what you have written after starting to work on it, believe that as hard as you are working for it Allah won’t let you down whatever happens. "Believing in Allah" + "Believing that it’s already yours" ="A wish to the Genie that has been done immediately after feeling so" You can start thanking Allah for giving it to you and start celebrating! It is called “the power of thoughts and the attraction law”, it's not magic just don't limit yourself. And please never force yourself to be happy or positive all the time just to attract the good things because this won't work, it's okay to have problems but it is not okay to ignore them and never solve them as if they didn't exist, you will be hunted!