Courage 1
All my life I was trying to attract good stuff by thinking positive all the freaking time which is wrong and toxic -I was wrong- But the extraordinary beautiful smart Brene Brown made it so clear for me when I am not positive, when I have a break down or these times when I feel horrible or when I fail at something or get rejection.
First let’s define courage:
Courage is Vulnerability (Vulnerability is to show up when you don’t know the outcome)
Vulnerability is belonging (which means be your true self).
No Vulnerability/no creativity = No tolerance for failure/no innovation
Vulnerability – Boundaries = No courage
Vulnerability is not Fear (fear is the barriers of success and vulnerability is success)
Vulnerability is the feeling we get when we expose ourselves out there
Faith – Vulnerability= Extremes
6 Myths about Vulnerability by Brene Brown:
Myth 1: Vulnerability is weakness
Truth: It is accepting the fact of having downs with all its feelings without denying or blaming others
Myth 2: I don’t do Vulnerability
Truth: Believe it or not we are all vulnerable but with different percentages and not being aware that you do Vulnerability sometimes doesn’t mean you don’t do it at all
Myth 3: I can do it alone
Truth: Vulnerability is putting yourself out there, not putting yourself inside!
“It is easier to cause pain than feeling pain, people take their pain and work it on other people…this happens when you don’t acknowledge your vulnerability, you work your shit on other people. Stop working your shit on other people” Said Brene Brown.
Myth 4: I can engineer the uncertainty and discomfort out of Vulnerability
Truth: Thinking of algorithm that can help you predict when it’s okay to be vulnerable with other people! Nope, this is not vulnerability because the minute it’s comfort, it is no longer vulnerability
Myth 5: Trust comes before Vulnerability
Truth: Actually they both come together but it’s not like having a friend for only a week and go tell him your biggest secret in life…
Vulnerability comes with boundaries!
Myth 6: Vulnerability is disclosure
Truth: Go telling people everything about you is not vulnerability, acting on the opposite on yourself is not vulnerability, having a bad hair day and going out without combing it is not vulnerability…..